Summer is time for ice cream. But I also want to eat some ice cream even in winter. When you went to a store for buying ice cream, it will be not always so delicious as you want. And, of course, it will be not good for your shape. What about making it at home? It is very easy to cook.

Attention: this ice cream is very tasty, but healthy, in addition, it is safe for your good shape.

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Maybe you have heard about *superfood such as chia seeds. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, in addition, 17 g of protein in 100 g. I like to eat it in form of pudding for breakfast or as a snack. This pudding is fresh and pretty sweet (sugar-free). So it is excellent for a sweet tooth. This dish is mood-boosting food.

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Do you occasionally want something unusual? Something like as fresh and gentle breath of summer? One happy time I with my friend had opportunity to taste a Pavlova cake. It is a very fresh and juicy meringue cake from the Australian cuisine, that is named after the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. Since that case, I dreamed of making it at home. Finally, I cooked the variation of recipe of Pavlova cake. Now, you will also have this possibility. Enjoy it!

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Вам иногда хочется чего-нибудь необычного? Что-нибудь свежего и легкого, как дыханье лета? Так вот, однажды мне посчастливилось попробовать торт Павлова. Это очень свежий и сочный торт из меренги, блюдо австралийской кухни, который был назван в честь русской балерины Анны Павловой за свою легкость и нежность. С тех пор, я мечтала приготовить его дома. И вот, наконец-то мне удалось – я приготовила вариацию рецепта торта Павлова. Теперь и у вас будет возможность приготовить его. Наслаждайтесь!

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When I started to do the everyday workout, one of the hardest questions for me was “Should I eat after my workout?” and “What is a better dish for it?”. I like many good recipes. No-bake Cheesecake is one of my favourite dishes. It contains high quantity of proteins! That is excellent after the workout.

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