Do you occasionally want something unusual? Something like as fresh and gentle breath of summer? One happy time I with my friend had an opportunity to taste a Pavlova cake. It is a very fresh and juicy meringue cake from the Australian cuisine, that is named after the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. Since that case, I dreamed of making it at home. Finally, I cooked the variation of a recipe of Pavlova cake. Now, you will also have this possibility. Enjoy it!

Nutrition value (5 portions):

  • Energy – 70 kcal per one portion;
  • Proteins: Fats: Carbohydrates – 7.4: 1.4: 6.8 g per one portion;


White of the egg 4 pcs (140 g)
Erythritol* 60 g
Rice flour 30 g
Fresh lemon juice 20 ml
Salt few grams
Cottage cheese 5% 200 g
Yogurt 2.5% (homemade) 50 ml
Fresh berries 100 g
Mint Few leaves


  1. Whip up white of eggs (add slowly lemon juice, salt, erythritol, and then rice flour) to a formation of stable foam (or dense peaks).
  2. Take foam into a piping bag (or confection syringe). Then design some forms that you like. I made white ballet-skirts (tutus).
  3. Bake it at 100 ºC for 1 hour. Leave it to cool down.
  4. Mix cottage cheese and yogurt in a blender to form a cream.
  5. Take the base of cake (ballet tutus) and add some cream on the top. Decorate with fruits and mint.

This cake will be good for your morning coffee and for evening tea too. Even at night! Since this dessert is not only very tasty, but also low-calorie, and contains a lot of protein. If you want to feel the lightness and elegance of the ballerina — try to cook a meringue cake or a Pavlova cake.

* Why I used erythritol, as well as the scientific facts, Pros and Cons — read in my previous article (CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT SUGAR).

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