Hunger is one of the basic things, that is important for survival. Do we need to listen to our body or just eat when we have some time? Do we need to plan our meals or eat just what we have right now in the fridge? Is it good for us to eat a comfort food what we have used to eat? Let’s see what is my list of Top 10 life hacks for hunger management:

  1. Just In time! I’m trying to not forget to eat in time. As for me, it is optimal to eat five times a day (for example, at 7:00 breakfast, 10:00 snack, 13:00 lunch, 16:00 snack, 19:00 dinner). If I take some Snacks between main meals, it helps me prevent feelings of huge appetite.
  2. Don’t hurry! I started to practising Slow eating. I’m trying that my time is around 15-30 min. Also, I control the size of portions (weight). Besides that, if I feel that I’m full, I stop eating, no matter how much food is on the plate.
  3. Drink! At first signs of hunger, I drink a glass of water. Then I can have my meal in 30 min. Sometimes, we can confuse the feeling of hunger with thirst.
  4. Add Fats! It maybe sounds strange, but if I have enough fats in the meal (not less, not too much), I can longer stay full. I’m trying to have balance in calories and healthy nutrients on the same time. It is scientific fact that healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, nuts, fish) give long feelings of satisfaction.
  5. Avoid “Hunger provoking food”! It can be such as lemon, soda water, sweets and etc. These products contain acids or fast carbohydrates, which influence on the speed of feeling hunger.
  6. Include “Hunger regulating food”! It can be fibre-rich foods (apples, berries, figs, broccoli, beans, and etc.), products regulating hormones of satisfaction (meat, black chocolate, grapefruit, green tea, and etc.)
  7. Eat what Do you like! What do you really like? Enjoy your meal. Try different types of new products (chickpeas, bulgur, couscous, quinoa, chia). Along time ago I think that there are only pasta, rice and buckwheat. When I’m trying new foods, prepare new meals, I really enjoy healthy eating. I don’t need additional sweets to enjoy.
  8. Don’t eat your stress! When I feel sadness and want to eat sweets, I usually drink green or chamomile tea, and go for walk. Maybe it is not the best way, but it works for me.
  9. Choose Right dinner! I’m choosing something that can make me full, but doesn’t contain too many carbohydrates. For me, it can be the Tuna Salad, the zucchini pasta with chicken, and my new discovery, healthy eggplant-pizza. Usually, it helps me to avoid the midnight hunger.
  10. Manage Night Cravings! If you eat balanced menu throughout the day, usually by evening, metabolism slows down and you should not feel hunger. But if you eat not in time or eat a too small portion, or ate a piece of cake for dinner (contain fast carbohydrates), then still there may be a feeling of hunger. When I still feel hunger at night, I can’t even sleep. So, I use my personal emergency methods that include yoghurt with cinnamon, or some nuts and cottage cheese.

Here are I showed you some Hunger Management Techniques, which I use in my everyday life. I need it not just for stay lean, but stay healthy (especially stomach).

I hope my advices and my experience will be helpful for you. I wish you always Enjoy your healthy meal, Stay healthy and lean.

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