This is the list of my healthy habits that helped me to start healthy living. Perhaps it will seem a little unusual to you. But it is just my list. For you, it can be little different, but I hope that some points will be helpful for you guys. It is not only about food habits, but also tips for balancing your minds, find peace in soul.

  1. WATER

Drink more water. Looks simple. But it was not obviously for me. I calculated that I used to drink 2-3 cup of coffee, 4-5 cups of tea….and I don’t like to drink water by itself. If you don’t like water alone, you can make juicy and fresh water cocktail with fruits and berries, or “detox” water with mint, cucumber and lemon (lime). Drink at least 2 litres of water per a day.


I know that for many people are hard to have breakfast because of many reasons such as lack of time, or lack of appetite, some stomach disorders. At first, you should realize that you need it! Because it will activate your metabolism, give you strength to do something, and even influence your mood. Next step to find easy, light, but very energetic dishes for breakfast! It can be some cream soup or smoothie that will be easy to your stomach. Also, you can cook muffins (as in my recipe BREAKFAST IDEAS: COLORFUL MUFFINS) at the evening in advance, it will save some time in the morning. Don’t forget that breakfast is an excellent time to have your carbohydrates.


Eat not just 3 times per day! But it will be better to eat 5-6 times per day. Remember about portion sizes of main dishes, they should not be too big. As for me, it is 200 grams for main courses of a meal (breakfast/lunch/dinner). Don’t forget to eat healthy snacks. Apple, nuts, seeds, and boiled eggs will be good for you and easy to take it with you anyway. Just control quantity. For example, 10 grams of nuts will be enough, because it contains 60 kcal. Snacks will give you more energy, and you will never have awful food cravings or strong hunger again.


Start with Green color. Cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers, arugula, spinach and other green vegetables and herbs are my best friend now. It is impossible for me to have lunch or dinner without salad! Vitamins, minerals and fiber are components of not a full list of their benefits for your organism. In addition, they contain a low number of calories and give a long feeling of satiety.


Do not forget about healthy fats. Some while I was afraid to eat fats, because of a high quantity of calories. I don’t know why, but many people also think that fat = cellulite. But it is not! It is highly essential for our health to eat fats. It can be avocado, olive oil, nuts, salmon, etc. Without them, you may have problems with hair, nails and skin. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. Checked for myself.


Give yourself an opportunity to have Sweets sometimes, but not Sugar. Don’t push too much on yourself. Your organism needs sweets in low quantity. It should be Tasty, but Healthy desserts. You can find some example of recipes on my previous articles (STRAWBERRY MERINGUE CAKE). I try to have my sweets at the morning, but not replace breakfast, or I have few pieces of chocolate after a workout.


Some time ago I used to have large and hard dinner after work. It was the most caloric food intake, but it should be vice versa. Now, I have on dinner just fish or chicken with vegetables. Dinner has very low calories.


Choose some type of activity and start moving more. It can be some sport, fitness, or just regular walk around. I love workout or stretching every day, play tennis, and jogging. It increases the consumption of calories and makes your body stronger and sturdier.


Write down all your ideas to clean your minds. Have quiet time for yourself. Combine bath with foam, mask for a face, some favourite book, music, and just relax. Give yourself an opportunity to stop for some time and relax. I don’t do it regularly, but when I feel that I can do nothing, it helps me to find myself again. Live, not just survive. That is why we need the mental relaxation for find balance.


I found interesting (as for me) way to BREAK boredom or depression. Start doing something new every week. I like to challenge myself. PUT big goals and achieve them. I have a list of things that I want to achieve during the year. When I get a result, I feel that happiness is in my hands. I realized that almost nothing is impossible! I just need to try!


Moreover, this is not all. I think that we should move, improve, and develop yourself all the time. That is why also new habits should be formed constantly. Now I trying to learn how to «wake up with a big “impossible” dream»! (citation of Elon Mask interview on TED). Meeting with failures, keep going and find your way. Maybe I’m not Newton, not Tesla, and not even Mendel, but I definitely have my own unique way. Believe in yourself (be confident) is an excellent habit for every day!  Trying to see not only bad things. Walking around the street just notice a fat, red cat, and let it make you smile.

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