When I started to do the everyday workout, one of the hardest questions for me was “Should I eat after my workout?” and “What is a better dish for it?”. I like many good recipes. No-bake Cheesecake is one of my favourite dishes. It contains high quantity of proteins! That is excellent after the workout.

Nutrition value (4 portions):

  • Energy – 115 kcal per one portion;
  • Proteins: Fats: Carbohydrates – 17.5: 2.3: 7.5 g per one portion;


cottage cheese 1% 400 g
yogurt 2,5% (homemade) 200 g
orange peel 5 g
fresh orange juice 15 ml
cinnamon 5 g
gelatin 15 g
water 100 ml
salt few grams
orange 1 pcs (100g)


  1. Take gelatin into a bowl. Add 100 ml of water and leave it. Let’s it become swell (15 min).
  2. Then gelatin with water lightly heat on the stove. Completely dissolve it. Leave to cool down.
  3. Quickly! Mix other ingredients in a blender.
  4. Add liquid gelatin to other ingredients. Blend it.
  5. Pour the mixture into ice-cream bowl or other forms that you like.
  6. Decorate with an orange slice. Put in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours or at night.

You can prepare this dish in the evening. It will safe your time in the next day. You can easily enjoy your post-workout meal.

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